IN THE NEWS: Equifax's major data breach hits 143 million Americans.
UN Internet Governance Forum

On a Friday in early February 2014, the UN’s own Internet Government Forum was hacked by the hacker known as Deletesec, resulting in the release of information from 3125 user accounts. All passwords were still in their encrypted forms, but emails released show that security at the UN’s IGF worked over the weekend to ensure that all users were informed of the breach and that changing their password, even though the release only contained encrypted passwords, should be made a priority.

Usernames, emails, and the still-encrypted passwords were released. Usernames were also released but physical addresses and IPs were not. DeleteSec is known for targeting what it considers to be corrupt government agencies and branches, and large corporations that are viewed as engaging in some sort of irresponsible behavior. Other targets in February 2014 by DeleteSec included, with 5000 accounts exposed, having 40,000 user accounts breached, and an even larger one, with almost 71,000 accounts hacked and exposed at

Sources Used:
United Nations Internet Governance Forum Hacked, 3,215 Accounts Leaked, Published February 20th, 2014 By Lee Johnstone
[IGFmaglist] Fwd: [governance] Report that – United Nations Internet Governance Forum (website) Hacked, 3, 215 Accounts Leaked, Paul Wilson, pwilson at, Fri Feb 21 17:20:42 EST 2014
[IGFmaglist] Taking personal steps now to change passwords: Fwd: [governance] Report that – United Nations Internet Governance Forum (website) Hacked, 3, 215 Accounts Leaked, Kossi Amessinou amessinoukossi at, Sun Feb 23 04:20:05 EST 2014
[IGFmaglist] Taking personal steps now to change passwords: Fwd: [governance] Report that – United Nations Internet Governance Forum (website) Hacked, 3, 215 Accounts Leaked, Mazzone, Giacomo, mazzone at, Sun Feb 23 07:13:31 EST 2014

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