IN THE NEWS: Equifax's major data breach hits 143 million Americans.

In December 2011, Strategic Forecasting Inc., also known as Strafor, which is a global intelligence company, was breached by the infamous hacker group – Anonymous. The FBI were able to identify Jeremy Hammond as the hacker and he has since been arrested and convicted and is serving out his ten-year prison sentence. Hammond ultimately handed the breached data over to WikiLeaks and the infamous hacker group, Anonymous, who reportedly used the credit card details to make charitable donations.

Hammond was able to get their hands on millions (hundreds of gigabytes) of email addresses, approximately 60,000  credit card numbers and 860,000 user account details that included time zone, passwords, names, home addresses, phone numbers, usernames and emails.

Stratfor is still reeling from the collateral damage of this data breach.

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*Cyber breach data provided by Have I Been Pwned

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