Malvertising is a relatively vague and unknown cyber security issue, which is hidden in advertisements places on the websites we frequent every day. Malvertising has not only increased in popularity over the years, but also affects millions of unsuspecting consumers and companies every year without their knowledge.

The BBC website was the victim of a malvertising cyber attack on March 13, 2016 along with several other high profile and frequently visited websites. Hackers were able to infect BBC customer's computers with ransomware and malware without being detected.

288 of the Netherlands' most popular websites were victimized by a malvertising attack in April 2016 that affected many millions of consumers who frequently visited the website. All of the websites used the same advertising platform.
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Answers.com was a victim of a malvertising attack in March 2016. This was at least their third malvertising attack in recent years.

Australia's largest classified ads website, Gumtree, was hit with a malvertising attack. The malware was hidden in an advertisement for a local law firm, who was not aware that their ad was infected.