Consumers should be wary of spambots, which are programs built to collect email addresses from the Internet to create lists that are used to send spam and to try to gain unauthorized access to computers.

From debit card theft to widespread data breaches, malicious activity abounds on the Internet. In the early days of email, a plea for help from a Nigerian prince wasn’t as easy to ignore as it is today. Most people know that giving out your personal information to anyone who asks is a sure-fire way to ...

From posting pictures of your trip to Spain to reviewing music, chatting with friends and buying shoes, Facebook has become an online community unto itself, enabling us to connect, explore and browse without ever leaving the site. When Facebook launched back in 2004, it was only accessible to a handful of college students, and the ...

If you’re a millennial who owns a smartphone, then chances are that you’ve downloaded the Instagram app to take and share photos with the people in your life. About 20 percent of people who use the Internet also use Instagram – 90 percent of them are under age 35 – and it’s quickly become one ...

Over the last ten years, an increasing number of high-profile brands, businesses and media figures have been the victims – or unwitting aides – in data breaches around the world. Major retailer Target came under fire in 2015 when it was revealed that a substantial data breach had affected 40 million customers. In December 2015, ...

When you’re bidding on eBay for the perfect pair of vintage 1950s heels, ordering bulk diapers from Amazon or sending in your final car payment on BB&T’s website, chances are you trust these and similar merchants with your financial information. Online checkout makes it easy to buy goods or make payments with a few simple ...

If you appreciate the benefits of online shopping, you’re not alone, as for the 2015 holiday season, revenue topped $83 billion, 11 percent more than 2014. Who doesn’t appreciate the comfort and speed that online shopping provides? But like every other modern convenience, with the good comes the bad. Whether for online shopping, paying bills ...

Personal data theft occurs when an unauthorized third party gains access to personal information about another party such as their name, address, telephone number, date of birth and Social Security number. Unfortunately, nobody is safe from personal data theft. The FTC published its findings of the number of people, per age group, that filed complaints ...

Password theft is a common occurrence in today’s digital age and is often the precursor to much more serious crimes like identity theft and fraud. It is important to not only pick very strong and complicated passwords that have nothing to do with your personal life, but it is also important to change your passwords ...
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